
Stewardship is the thoughtful and responsible care of something that has been entrusted to us. At Floracliff, that is the land, habitats, and biodiversity that make up the sanctuary. As caretakers of nature, we manage the land to maintain suitable wildlife habitats, improve forest health, and promote biodiversity, all of which contribute to a more resilient community in the face of a changing climate.

Why is stewardship important?
By caring for nature today, we are caring for generations of life to come. Our hands-on stewardship includes:

  • invasive plant removal in areas of ecological priority
  • habitat restoration along waterways that are critically important for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife
  • water quality monitoring so we can better understand the health of our waterways and how they are being impacted by human activity
  • species documentation to learn more about the wildlife that lives within or migrates through Floracliff so we can more effectively manage their habitat
  • annual species monitoring to understand how Floracliff’s wildlife populations are changing over time
  • demonstration gardens for propagating rare or uncommon plants and to provide learning opportunities in easily accessible areas near facilities
  • trail maintenance for the safety of human visitors and to limit erosion and spread of invasive species in off-trail areas
  • programs and outreach to promote biodiversity in our community
  • documentation of human land-use history and artifacts

Invasive Exotic Species


Floracliff Nature Sanctuary • P.O. Box 21723 • Lexington, KY 40522 • (859) 296-0986 • • copyright © 2025 •