
Floracliff’s founder, Dr. Mary Wharton, felt that some natural areas should be protected and set aside primarily for education. This was her intention for Floracliff. Due to her wishes, the steep terrain, and sensitive habitats, Floracliff is not open to self-guided visitation and pets are not permitted.

The sanctuary is open for guided hikes and programs for small groups. Scheduled programs include wildflower hikes, bird walks, golden hour hikes, art in nature sessions, indoor presentations, and more. There are also weekday volunteer opportunities for trained volunteers.

Please see our calendar for upcoming programs and events.

Private tours may be arranged for small groups. Tours must be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance and subject to availability. Hikes are generally 1.5 – 2.5 hours depending on the chosen trails. Private tours must be paid in full 72 hours in advance and are:

  • $150 for 5 – 10 people
  • $300 for 11 – 20 people

To inquire about a private tour, please email

Learn more about our trails

Floracliff kioskmap 2019sm 2
Click on the map for hi-res version



Volunteer Opportunities

Trained volunteers care for the Sanctuary throughout the year by participating in habitat restoration, educational programming, trail work, community science, garden maintenance, and other activities as needed.

We also host groups for invasive species management and special projects by request.

Visit our Volunteer page for more details. New Volunteer Orientation trainings are added to our Events page as scheduled.

Research Opportunities

A variety of research projects have been conducted at Floracliff. Through these projects, we have learned more about the biodiversity, ecology, natural history, and stewardship needs of the sanctuary. Past and current research projects include:

      • inventories of plants, herps, birds, invertebrates, bryophytes, and lichens
      • camera trap methods
      • dendrochronology
      • acoustic monitoring of bats
      • soil samples
      • seed collection for conservation
      • impacts of land management

Those interested in research projects at Floracliff are welcome to submit proposals. Most research projects will also require approval by the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves. Please email for additional information and permit applications.

Facility Rentals

Floracliff has two unique facilities for programming. Currently, the Nature Center is available to rent for weekday meetings, retreats, and programs:

Nature Center

Trail’s End Lodge

Floracliff Nature Sanctuary • P.O. Box 21723 • Lexington, KY 40522 • (859) 296-0986 • • copyright © 2025 •